Salmon Workshop
Friday March 1st, don’t miss the Salmon Workshop at [fancy_link link=”http://www.vthomemarine.com”]Vermont Home and Marine[/fancy_link]. Lots of [highlight2]prizes[/highlight2] and [highlight2]fun[/highlight2]! Ellen Marsden has very graciously agreed to come to the workshop and discuss her Laketrout Research with us.
[fancy_link link=”https://lakechamplainunited.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2244″]See the post on the forum[/fancy_link].
Time: 5:00 pm. to 8:30 pm.
Price: $15 at the door, it covers the pizza and the heated space for the 3 hours.
Vermont Home and Marine
323 Industrial Avenue
Williston, VT 05495
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If you are not coming, you will be able to watch this event in the confort of your home live on this page.
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