Draw Your Partner Derby

This is a derby where anglers with boats are paired up with anglers without a boat.  The anglers are paired by a draw.

Sign up as an angler with, or without a boat.  The number of anglers is only limited by the amount of anglers with boats! We will draw names from each bucket until all anglers are paired up.


How to sign up ?

The rules are simple:

  • This is a free derby.
  • Two anglers per team.
  • Honor system; start at sun up, weigh in at 1pm at Converse Bay boat launch.
  • Heaviest fish wins the “revolving” trophy shown on the left for one year!
  • Species: Landlocked Salmon, Brown Trout, and Steel-head (Rainbow Trout).
  • All fish weighed on same scale.

A BBQ, award of the trophy, and other prizes to follow at the public boat launch located at Converse Bay in Charlotte Vermont.

The date for 2024 is May 18th with the 19th as an alternate.

The comity: Homewrecker, Greenhorn, CounrtyAnger and AveJoe.

More info in the forum thread here.