Westport - 1/7

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Westport - 1/7

Post by ChessieMan »

Well, I trusted the weatherman and have the "black & blues" to prove it!

Marine forecast said - "AM less than 1 foot, building to 1 ft. after 1PM" - when Scott and I got to Westport around 8, there was a stiff ENE wind pushing waves up into the ramp - but not so bad that we gave it a second thought.

The plan was to hit Barber's then SB and go from there - loaded, launched, headed SE down the bay and thrashed our way about 1/2 down - "this sucks", so I turned into the wind figuring I could quarter my way across to SB and fish in the lee - after putting the 3rd roller over the windshield - I turned north and edged my way into the lee around Rock Harber and set lines in relative calm. I'd fished this north shore of NW Bay several times over the years, but it's not my first or even 8th choice of places to fish - but yesterday, it was the comfortable place to fish - so we did.

Just got 2 dipsy and 2 DR's down and boat settled, when Bang! dipsy fires and Scot puts a nice laker in the boat - OK, so we're not gonna get skunked - Moments later the other dipsy fries and we land another laker - "maybe this will be OK" - but after another hour of trolling without a release the second guessing had begun. The wind had died down a bit, so - "Let's try and cross to SB" - I popped the DR and started reeling in a dipsy when the DR rod tip plunged into the water and a salmon rocketed into the air 30 feet back -- Wahoo! and as I'm playing the salmon - Scott starts hooting - "FISH ON!"

We get both fish in the boat, the salmon about 17"


and I'm thinking - 2 releases on "popped DR's" - Hey, those fish hit on a rising lure. So instead of headed east, we reset the rods with DR's down 5' and 10' - and you know what? - We landed 13 lakers to 28" and 4 more salmon - 17-19" over the next 3 hours. A good day by anyone's standards.

All but the first 2 fish were off the shallow run DR's - running over 70-100 FoW mostly between Hunter Bay and Partridge Harbor - hot lure was a CI Patty's Day - speed seemed to be irrelevant - which was fine with me, because it varied greatly depending on whether we were running with or into the wind - slowing to 1.8 against and up to 3 with.

We, in essence, turned "chicken Sh_t, into chicken salad" and had a nice day and later had a nice meal


- with continued warm weather, the Money Pit stays in the driveway ready to go the next nice day.
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Re: Westport - 1/7

Post by Reelax »

Made lemons outta lemon aid... we were just out of sight all day if each other, you guys to the north of us... glad to hear you found silver also... interesting cause our best riggers were 24 and 27ft and we never brought any above that. Wonder how we woulda done with riggers at 10ft...

Thanks for the report...
Matt B
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Re: Westport - 1/7

Post by Gecha (Gerry) »

Nice report Chessie. Glad you found the pattern that worked well for you. You had a nice dinner.
Gecha (Gerry North of the Border)
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Re: Westport - 1/7


Salmon look very healthy
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