Westport to Fishville - 4/02

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Westport to Fishville - 4/02

Post by ChessieMan »

Scott and I launched out of Westport Tuesday and headed to Whalon's - there was a mildly stiff NNW breeze at the launch. I hugged the west shore going up the lake to mitigate the chop, but as we approached Split Rock the chop increased and made it to SplitRock we immediately put a combing 3-footer over the bow and into the cockpit - "Nuff of this"! - turned tail and headed back to NW Bay - I feel vindicated in that decision after seeing Reelax's post this morning - that could have been me and Scott on the rocks!

We snuggled in on the clam of the north shore of NW Bay where we've been having some luck and discovered a desert, not a fish to be found. Played around for a while and then ran down to the South shore and immediately scored two lakers - fished another hour with only a "hit & run".

Ate lunch - homemade pea soup - Mmm, Mmm good while I ran down to Beaver Brook where I'd done a bunch of fish last spring - nothing there - looped around the bottom of the 100 FoWline for a while, a couple marks, but nothing to stay for - with no results headed east to where I did good last fall - just crossed over the "state line" and Wham - dipsy fires - Scott pouts a nice laker in the smoker box


We continued to run the 70-80 FoW line north and marked tremendous numbers of large bait balls and fish - we landed 5 more lakers and broke off 3 more fish including on leaper before it was time to head for the barn.

Alol fish where in CI with gold or copper backs - colors didn't seem to make much difference - 2.4 Mph, 30 feet back 10 feet down - curious??? water north was 38 and crystal clear, in Fishville was 41 and tainted a bit.

VT side, southend is worth looking at - especially if you want lakers.

This could be my last report until Oct as it's striper season and my slip will in Albany be ready Saturday - good luck to all and stay "high and dry"
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Re: Westport to Fishville - 4/02

Post by Reelax »

Wow that sounds like quite a tour! Glad you
Had good action and found fish… that jumper had to be silver!!!

Look forward to meeting you in Albany to chase Stripers!!!
Matt B
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