Port Henry - 10/26

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Port Henry - 10/26

Post by ChessieMan »

Had a "newbie" with me today - Erik Reardon - DEC Region 5 AIS specialist - Erik and I have been doing Info & Education Mtg. with outdoor groups regarding the possible perils of the round goby getting into the lake via the canal system, yet Erik had never caught a fish on Lake Champlain - something I was hoping to correct. So, off we went to get him a fish and celebrate my B-day.

All was going well until just north of Ti when I heard - TWAP!, plop, plop, plop - AW sh_t - a flat! got off the road and we're not talk just flat - we're talking explosive deconstruction! The tire was absolutely shredded. Surprisingly, short of some skinned knuckles - we worked like a NASCRAR pit crew and were back on the road in 20 minutes - Note to self - get 2 new trailer tires.

Got to Westport with no further tragedies - loaded and launched - headed across to Scotch Bonnett on a mirror flat surface. Started marking fish on the break coming up to 90FoW - got two DR's and two dipsy rods out and settled n. It was but 5 minutes when the starboard dipsy went off and Erik landed his 1st LC salmon - a slivery, 13" shaker - Yeah! Black/purple HB did the job.

Trolled around for another 45 minutes without a bump, so pulled up and headed north to Thompson's Point - Lots more fish here and a few bait balls - barely got the rods out when BANG - the dipsy fires off again and Erik scores his second salmon - another short, but still a fish. Black/purple HB again. Talking and not really watching where I was going, we ended up out in 400FoW - swung the boat around and started back to the point when - Pow - the port DR fires - this time a good fire - drag is going out and the rod tip is down hard.

I had Erik baby this fish and finally caught a glimpse of a pretty nice laker - trying to keep him out of the dipsy - the fish managed to get wrapped in the prop - Oh @#$%^ - a lot of coaching and luck got a nice 30" laker in the net.


Continued north on the edge past Thompson''s and up to Garden - more fish, but no releases -swung around and headed south - did one more 24" laker and then it was time to go. Both lakers came on a CI Blue Moon

A great day on the water - hooked fish, hooked a new "Frost biter", survived my B-day, stopped ai Stewart's for the obligatory coffee and got home without incident - couldn't have been better.

Erik and I are planning on fishing the Shoot-out Saturday - let's hope the weather holds.
Gecha (Gerry)
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Re: Port Henry - 10/26

Post by Gecha (Gerry) »

Happy belated birthday Ed.
Glad you could spend it on the water and have your friend Erik catch some nice ones on Champlain.
Now it's time to get 2 new tires on the trailer.
Gecha (Gerry North of the Border)
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Dilly Worm
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Re: Port Henry - 10/26

Post by Dilly Worm »

Great read as always Chessie Man !

Good to see there were some salmon biting. What were the water temperatures like ?
I do not exaggerate when I talk about fishing - I underestimate, like I say "just one more cast honey, then I'll come home" !
Keep Calm and... Fish On !
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