1,000-megawatt electric line under Lake Champlain?

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digitroll (ron)
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Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:58 pm

Re: 1,000-megawatt electric line under Lake Champlain?

Post by digitroll (ron) »

Such closed-door settlement talks are an alternative to having the PSC conduct a more lengthy review of the project that would be conducted much like civil litigation in which a formal series of written submissions are made to an administrative law panel that usually makes its own recommendation to the PSC.

I think it's great they can have closed door settlements like this and they are close to an agreement. Just think we would have had a Circ. highway completed 20 years ago if they used this kind of fast track method with all parties involved. Rather than the lengthy reviews that kill projects like these. Now it seems the Circ. is dead.

These kinds of pro-active solutions to approve projects ie. settlement talks are a great alternative.
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