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Mixed bag

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 4:30 am
by browntown
Yesterday we had a couple of first on the boat. It started when is was watching the weather channel at 3:45 and a tornado warning came on. Can't let that stop ya... It's derby time. Never been fishing before when there was a tornado warning maybe it will bring good luck? We started in the main lake in an area that had held salmon for the last two weeks and they were no longer there so we spent all day hunting for fish. Ended with 11 smallmouth 7 perch 5 salmon and 2 lakers. This leads me to the second "first" on the boat. We're were running the shoreline headed north when one rod fires off the shore line boards a second later the other rod on that side goes as well. Both fish make it to the boat at about the same time and it is a laker smallmouth. I'm sure others have seen it this time of very but it was a memorable first for me.

Good luck out there today

Re: Mixed bag

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:23 pm
by plantstone
On the hunt...I've been there lol Sounds like a memorable day none the less.