Walleye help

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Walleye help

Post by striper192001 »

Have never really fished for walleyes in the river. Would love to fish with someone to see how it is done. Your boat or mine.......I have front mounted trolling motor if that helps. I know this is early but would like to see if someone can show me this May. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Walleye help

Post by Reelax »

It ain’t too early I have heard of big eyes in the nets already:)
Matt B
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Re: Walleye help

Post by Surprise »

Fish On!
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Re: Walleye help

Post by Crayfish »

John, I fish them in the Lamoille and Winooski every year, but am far from an expert. I have a 14' boat that I typically use for river fishing, usually dragging worms on bottom and using the oars to keep the boat straight. This is easier to do with 1 person in the boat, but my son and I used to do it together using different length rods to keep from getting tangled up. Trolling rods on the outside and spinning rods inside worked OK.

I did catch a few in the Lamoille last year in the "big" boat trolling small deep divers. I'm not much of a river troller, though, as I HATE losing lures. The line counter reels worked great for that, as I could easily adjust the line out as the depth changed and be able to repeat patterns. I lost a pig, too!

You're welcome to come along with me sometime.

Like Matt said, the early spring allowed people to catch some hogs early on. The season is closed now, but that doesn't stop people from C&R fishing them. I don't agree with that ... leave those girls alone when they're laying their eggs!
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